UTN activities AT ITU
Events organized together with ITU
ITU Kaleidoscope 2018: "Machine learning for a 5G future"
The tenth edition of ITU’s flagship academic event was hosted by UTN Santa Fe Regional Faculty from the 26th to the 28th of november 2018
World Smart City Forum 2018 - ITU, IEC, ISO
On the 29th of november 2018 the World Smart City Forum took place at UTN Santa Fe Regional Faculty, an event organized in partnership by IEC, ISO and ITU
elective course
Elective course “The ICT International Organizations”
Launched on 2017 its goal is to introduce the students to governments structures and the international organizations related to ICT, in particular referred to ITU
Advanced Mobile Networks
This subject is available in Avellaneda's Regional School where the students are assigned the task to analyze different Contributions that are presented in the 5D Working Group, as an example:
1) Conditions of coexistence between Mobile Services (IMT) and Aeronautical Mobile Service (SMA) in the 4800 MHz and 4900 MHz band.
2) Evaluation of the compatibility between Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Mobile Systems (IMT) in the band from 3400 MHz to 3600 MHz
The students' task is to analyze the documentation presented in the Contributions to the 5D group and make a report in Word and a presentation of the topic in class.
Activities developed at ITU
First meeting of the Thematic Group on the U4SSC Index
December 2019, (Austria)
Study Group 20: Internet of Things and Smart Cities & Communities
November 2019, Geneva (Switzerland)
International Satellite Communication Symposium
September 2019, Bariloche (Argentina)
Workshop on IoT, IA and 5G at the UNC
July 2019, Córdoba (Argentina)
International Satellite Communication Symposium
May 2017, Bariloche (Argentina)
Associate Editor to Q2/20
March 2017, Geneva (Switzerland)
Weareable devices communications
January 2017, San Nicolás (Argentina)
ITU CBS 2016 - Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium
September 2016, Nairobi (Kenya)
ITU-R M.2413 Report on Global Flight Tracking
Geneva (Switzerland)
World Radiocommunication Conference 2015
November 2015, Geneva (Switzerland)
Working Party 5D
January 2015, Auckland (New Zealand)
Participation on Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring
December 2014, Kuala Lumpur (Malasya)
Participation At Study group 20:
Internet of things and smart cities and communities
Juan Pablo Martin
Associate Rapporteur Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals.
Alfonso Trevignani
Y.rrm-data Editor: Requirements and reference model of IoT related data from city infrastructure.