pilot project: IOT

The National Technological University by Resolution No. 864 of the Dean of the Santa Fe Regional Faculty created a Pilot Project for the development of Research and Development Centers in IoT.

The main objective of the project is to instil the Culture of Innovation in IoT in order to take advantage of this opportunity for technological development and also enhance the participation of the UTN in ITU in particular in Study Group 20 (IoT and SC) and implement R&D in IoT to promote research through the university system through the research teams in the field of the different regions.

The expected result of this project is the formation of an alliance between the Faculties, Business Chambers, Technology SMEs, service operators and provincial and municipal governments. This alliance is set to be the users of the products and services developed by each R&D Center

Background and Context

  • In Latin America, the development of IoT is incipient, few countries have a national IoT plan.​
  • There are many developers working individually but feasibility analysis of research projects is not always performed.
  • There are research teams in various universities but lack access to technology laboratory equipment for development.
  • SMEs and Universities are poorly connected to each other on this issue and lack of support and access to know-how
  • The research needs to be related to the development of standards and to facilitate the process of field testing and approval and develop a policy that promotes the development of companies (start up) based on the research carried out.

Initiative for the Americas CMDT2017

“… The development of national and regional policies to boost the digital economy, Smart Cities and Communities (ITC) and IoT.”

RESOLUTION 85 (Buenos Aires, 2017)

Facilitation of the Internet of things and smart cities and communities for global development

The Plenipotentiary Conference in RESOLUTION 197 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)

"Promote investment in IoT and its development, in order to support the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"

RESOLUTION 25 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)

Instructs the Director of the Telecommunications Development Bureau to assist countries in the execution of regional initiatives defined in the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, in accordance with Resolution 17 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017);

Pilot Project

The necessary architectures, culture, technical-economic feasibility studies, the use of ICTs, climatic aspects, local or national regulations for the use of telecommunications and spectrum, the political situation, among other relevant aspects, are important to propose specific solutions that are feasible for a particular city or region.

The UTN is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals

Breaking the technology gap helps to reduce the costs of importing technology by generating genuine jobs, both of which will help improve the situation of unemployment and poverty.

This project seeks to boost innovation, including educational innovation and capacity building.

It is intended to relate research with the development of standards and facilitate the process of field testing and approval and develop a policy that promotes the development of companies (start up) based on the research carried out.

Develop favorable environments and infrastructure and promote innovation ecosystems in the digital field.

The management of telecommunications that interconnect multiple devices connected intelligently and with minimal human interaction are a favorable field for the local development of technology that breaks this technological gap.

This project, in accordance with Resolution 85 of CMDT2017, facilitates the deployment and adoption of IoT and smart cities and communities.

Identification of partners / alliances, articulating coalitions and alliances among the multiple stakeholders that give priority to young entrepreneurs.


Sow the Culture of Innovation in IoT:

  • Implement R&D Centers in IoT to increase the productivity of the country, enhance the participation of the Academy and SMEs in the development of standards in ITU and encourage private investments.
  • Forming an alliance between the Faculties, Business Chambers, technology SMEs, service operators and provincial, municipal and local governments and companies in the local area of belonging to the research center that will be users of the products and services that are developed.
  • Develop projects in the community of belonging to each Center thus forming a local ecosystem of IoT development.
  • Obtain a tool to develop a National IoT Plan and basis to replicate this experience with the Academy of the Americas Region.

Participating Regional Faculties

Linked contributors





Proyecto Cesar (Brasil)


Municipalidad de Esperanza

Municipalidad de Santa Fe


Electrónica Elemon


Results obtained

  • R&D centers in IoT installed and functioning.
  • Collaboration agreements between the Faculties and Technological Companies, preferably SMEs and / or Business Chambers.
  • Coordination of research tasks in IoT with all the Argentine and Latin American Regional Faculties and Universities.
  • Personnel in conditions to develop and train for the development of devices with IoT technology.
  • Researchers trained for the development of standards in ITU
  • Technology transfer links with SMEs and start-up of the sector.
  • Training in business development
  • General guidelines for the development of a IoT National Plan

Additional Results Expected for Argentina

Development of a methodology that allows other public and private universities to guide similar R&D projects in IoT.

Next stage: Taking advantage of the pilot experience to promote the creation of R&D Centers in the rest of the Regional Faculties and Other Universities in order to cover the entire national territory with local R&D centers)

National IoT Plan: Based on technical experience, and linking as well as evaluation of technological, productive, socio-economic realities etc. obtained during the duration of this pilot project will collaborate in the elaboration of bases for the implementation of a National IoT Plan

Bases for a National IoT Plan

Objectives for the Americas Region

The second stage of the Project plans to disseminate the results in LATAM through ITU and International and Regional ICT Organizations.

Propose to ITU the creation of other R&D centers in IoT in other countries of the region

To promote from the International Organizations the interconnection of all the centers and universities in a regional network of R&D in IoT.

Creation of SMEs in the region that develop IoT solutions


The R&D Centers in IoT are self-sustaining because they use different sources of resources, on the one hand the salaries of the researchers are covered by the budget of the University and also of the research projects of the University and alternatively supplemented with funds for projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology and associated agencies.

The laboratories used are specific to each faculty. On the other hand, specific technological equipment is donated by the participating companies and some of them have signed joint marketing agreements for the Center's developments.

Finally and most importantly, the investigations are carried out with agreements with future users of the Center's area of ​​influence. This allows each research development to generate resources that enhance the sustainability of the Center.

The participation of private companies and business chambers will be guaranteed through the signing of specific agreements with each Regional faculty.

Regional San Nicolás: Energy Efficiency

Design of a control system for the environments of the Regional Faculty that allows to maintain an efficient use of energy. In addition, to perform the management and integral control of the resources used by staff and students.

Regional Santa Fe: Applications for Smart Cities.

Survey of fundamental performance indicators (IFR) for smart and sustainable cities (SSC) developed by the ITU, to establish criteria for assessing the contribution of ICTs in cities.

Regional Resistencia: Environmental Control and Security

Project for the implementation of environmental sensors in geographically dispersed nodes in the province of Chaco. The collected data is transported through the provincial fiber optic network.

Creation of security projects in IoT with the objective of developing proposals for new ITU standards and developing an applicable security model in IoT networks